leader is not born leader are made

 who is leader? a person who have a quality to lead a whole mass  it can be any army officers who lead a battalion,it can be a politician a country leader who run there country or it can be a animal who leads there family or leader can be any person in our family whom you and your family are dependable like your father or mother in many families so leadership are born daily ,but there is a huge difference between a leader and a great leadership in people which make them great

           we can learn it from many things which happen in our past history:

1.Hitler leadership:world say that " hitler is not born he is made" adolf hitler who started world war 2nd and destroy crores of people,genocide people is not  that cruel at his starting he want to become a painter but due to world war 1 germans become weak due to harsh allience treaty with  germany and its people .it is a anger of germany people which , a anger of unemployed youngster who have no work and all the things they face in germany after country face economic loss that all things give born to a hitler .

2.mahatma gandhi who make india independent: a great leader father of nation of india and whole world respect this man wear khadi clothes and hold one stick.and only by his idiology whole india come with him and gandhi is one of the person india become republic country.gandhi is not a born leader he is a lawyer as profession but when he throw out from pietermaritzburg in south africa by britisher only because of his colour is black after that his mind changed and thats how gandhi ji era of independence started in india and india got a face of leadership.

3.our current pm modi ji: a tea seller who sell tea on a gujrat railway station and got 3 to 5 rs for 1 glass ,a person who went to himalaya in a very early age for becoming monk after that he become a prachark of bjp  then chief minister of gujrat and faces many allegation now become one of the finnest leader of india for 2nd time with very large no of majority by people we can definetly say that leaders are not born  they are made in year of practices .

4.chanakya and how he make a depresed cast person chandragupt a leader of magadah and setup a lead to bharat india : chankya was takshila university teacher and very intelligent man he is a economist ,philosopher  one day he was humiliated by dhanand(magadh king) due to some reason and after that he sware to dhanand that i will destroy your empire and make a king which is good for magadh and after that he made a chandragupt leader by giving them knowledge in takshila university and he become one of the finnest king of india chandragupta mourya.

                                         how can become leader

(i) understand yourself:without knowing yourself we cannnot become a grat leader .if a leader cannot understand himself who is he,what is his pourpose ,who is his friend,what other want he cannnot become a leader.

(ii) persistence : it is one of the great quality of a leader is persistence which give a difference between a leader and a great leader 

(iii) accept the change:  it is also written in bhagwat geeta that "parivartan hi iss srishti ka niyam h  and those who accept the change and change thereself have a ability can change the world " accepting change is very tough in any thing from changing schools to friends so accept change is a sign of leader. 

(iv) ability to walk alone:loneliness is one of the toughest road which everyperson have to face and who understand and learn from that they become gold .a gold cannot brigten himself without fire thats what leadership is all about ,if you have a capability of  walk alone one day world follow your step 

so leadership is one of the gift we got which is hidden in every person inside but not every person under stand this thing and whole life they follow other path while leader make there own way .


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