why everyone should have atleast one pet

A pet or animals have a stock of unlimited positivity in them,they accept you as you are it doesnot matter to them how ugly you are or how beautifull your face is, they only want love.       


 5 reason why should everyone have atleast one pet with them.

  1.They make you happy by doing different activity: Most people in this world sometime feel depressed, unhappy because of many reasons like family disputes, work pressure etc, spend sometime with your pet they can sense your sadness easily dog make you happy by liking your face ,cats can cuddle when you feel sad make your mood light every pet have something in them that make your tension disappear. 

2.execute your loneliness : Pets can be very much helpfull to decrease your loneliness,many people in this world really feel good with there pets they dont feel lonly. As you all know dog,cat and other pets are a good communicator with other  people they can make your new friends easily.

3.Make you a healthy:  Study shows that pet owner have lower blood pressure less cholesterol, good sleep and few report of depression ,Having a pet is a lot of work you have to give food to them, take them in a walk etc, no matter which pet you have . A  large animals like dog ,horse, cow, elephant etc keep you active in a day to day life which benificial for your healthy lifestyle, even a walk with pet or play with them for sometime make your blood flow good, burn  calories and make you active in day to day life.

4.helpfull for children : pet are very friendly they don't criticize or judge you .Having a pet can help in many ways like reduce anxiety in children when no one is around them they make child feel important. research shows that pets can calm aggressive kids, hyperactive kids like adult ,kids are very much comfortable with pets .

5.family  bond become strong and loving environment in home:  Pets have some magic in them people who have any pet they understand very much this words,They can helpfull in build good relation with family members because they attract every person in a family,  A pet focus on activity family work together like everyone takes the dog for a walk ,everyone want to play with them etc. 

if you help one pet and give them space in your home help them they love you forever and always for     you.



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