knowledge is power
INTRODUCTION- "knowledge is like a deep well"it is correct saying that the well or sea of knoeledge is very deep and vast and we may gather as much knowledge in our life as we make differ from men to men.history shows that large number of scientists,educationalists etc.who were in the position of deep knowledge in there fields.
Importance of knowledge-if we analyse seriously,there is vast importance of knowledge in life of all men,women and children,there is great progress of science,technology,education,computer,artificial intelligence,tv and several other things in the present day world.we should gather more and more knowledge and information about all these things.young boys and girls should try there best to keep themselves up to date in the present day world of technology and science progress.only then they can achive distinction and tmeans to rue success in there get more and more knowledge there should be development of education.india is chiefly the country of villages,where boys and girls should be given education and necessary information.
mean to acquire knowledge-in the present day world there are different means to acquire knowledge given here:
first of all,we should study good and great books of great and popular men of letters,thus we can add to our knowledge.the life of all great man teach and inspire us much.
secondly,we should learn more and more by reading regularly and seriously some newspaper and magazine .in this way ,we shall be up to date and well informed in knowledge.
third education should be made more popular and informative for young boys and girls in our country.the young persons of village should be tought and trained in real and effective way.
lastly,tv ,computer,internet,science ,technology,you tube,can be a effective means of knowledge and information to us.we should make use of them seriously and effectively.
how to develop knowledge-we should make the best effort to develop our knowledge regular and planned way.we should ever remember the principle that 'regular practice makes us perfect'the same principle can help as much in the development of a knowledge,our education and training should inspire us for getting more and more knowledge formation.the lives of great men should inspire us in a useful and practicle way.
knowledge is power-it is correct saying that knowledge is effective is again true that s pen is mighter than sword" .all kings and powerfull men in all ages have been honouring 'men of knowledge'much today we remembering kalidas,shakespeare,tulsidas,chanakya,tagore,and many other as a great men of there letters for there deep knowledge and great works.many scientist,politicians social reformer honoured by masses for there high knowledge.our current pm is a personification of deep knowledge and much learning
conclusion-india is a developing country where our boys and girl must get more and more knowledge.there education and progressive views shall be helpfull in the solution of the burning problems of population ,poverty,litracy, is the need of the hour and our youth should work for a social ans national progress.
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