
सितंबर, 2020 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

knowledge is power

  INTRODUCTION -   "knowledge is like a deep well"it is correct saying that the well or sea of knoeledge is very deep and vast and we may gather as much knowledge in our life as we make efforts.it differ from men to men.history shows that large number of scientists,educationalists etc.who were in the position of deep knowledge in there fields.                Importance of knowledge -if we analyse seriously,there is vast importance of knowledge in life of all men,women and children,there is great progress of science,technology,education,computer,artificial intelligence,tv and several other things in the present day world.we should gather more and more knowledge and information about all these things.young boys and girls should try there best to keep themselves up to date in the present day world of technology  and science progress.only then they can achive distinction and tmeans to rue success in there life.to get more and more ...

basic grammer

                                    Basic sentence structure             sentence  एक  verb  and subject से मिलके बना होता है।  वो sentence , sentence नहीं  जिसमे कोई   verb  नही  & वो कोई verb नहीं जिसका कोई subjet नही  है।                                                                so  "SUBJECT + VERB "=   SENTENCE  ex: rahul sat on a wall     here rahul is subject  and  sat is a verb Q  what  are VERB? verb का काम क्रिया होता है काम करना ,वो words जिनको 3  तरीके से बता सके present ,past and past participle के अंदर  उनको verb  कहतें  है।  * verb = (i) जो काम को ...

leader is not born leader are made

  who is leader? a person who have a quality to lead a whole mass  it can be any army officers who lead a battalion,it can be a politician a country leader who run there country or it can be a animal who leads there family or leader can be any person in our family whom you and your family are dependable like your father or mother in many families so leadership are born daily ,but there is a huge difference between a leader and a great leadership in people which make them great            we can learn it from many things which happen in our past history: 1 .H itler leadership :world say that " hitler is not born he is made" adolf hitler who started world war 2nd and destroy crores of people,genocide people is not  that cruel at his starting he want to become a painter but due to world war 1 germans become weak due to harsh allience treaty with  germany and its people .it is a anger of germany people which , a anger of unemployed youngster...